“Miracle of Life: How One Woman’s Extraordinary Dual Pregnancy Led to a Rare Set of Twins!”

"Miracle of Life: How One Woman's Extraordinary Dual Pregnancy Led to a Rare Set of Twins!"

Meeting Noah And Rosalie



Though Rebecca was initially due in October, she arrived at the hospital in September so they could induce labor and bring out the twins! The older one was a boy, who Rebecca named Noah.


The younger baby was a girl named Rosalie. Noah weighed in at 4 pounds and 10 ounces, while little Rosalie was 2 pounds and 7 ounces. It was definitely clear from the start that Noah was the big brother to tiny Rosalie.


Needing Special Care




Though Noah looked quite robust compared to his little sister, he was born prematurely and needed to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care unit. Rosalie was almost half the size of her preemie brother and needed to go to a special hospital.


Seeing the twins split up was hard on Rebecca. She told Today, “It broke my heart when they were separated.” Even more heart-wrenching was that Rosalie had to spend 95 days in the hospital before coming home.


Reunited And It Feels So Good!



While Rebecca’s pregnancy and the months after giving birth were full of ups and downs, it was all well worth the rollercoaster ride of a journey. Noah and Rosalie did well with their special care and were at last able to reunite at home.


Rebecca told Today, “I remember holding both of them at the same time when they were reunited and thinking, ‘This is a milestone in itself.'” The twins were definitely happy to be back together, too.

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