“Miracle or Moral Dilemma? The Pregnant Woman on Life Support Destined to Save Her Baby”

Image credits: estreitonline
Beyond that specific timeframe, the procedure is only allowed if the mother was raped, to save the mother’s life, and in the case of an anencephalic fetus.
Joyce’s baby being a 6-month-old, means that doctors are under the obligation to preserve its life to the best of their ability. The mother’s family have also expressed willingness to receive the baby.
Image credits: sousa_joy9890
“The worst part is knowing that the children will grow up without a mother,” the father explained.
The family is now looking for a way to raise money to send Joyce’s body to the state of Tocantins, in the center of Brazil, after the baby is born, with the father putting up a video on Instagram explaining their situation.
“Any strong woman would do this,” one reader wrote, believing Joyce would’ve been happy with the decision the doctors made
Image credits: dan2006y
Image credits: poraodocaos
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Image credits: caracavic
Image credits: sunshineMiny
Image credits: Maxnogueirat
Image credits: sandroewillian
Image credits: 2d_ryuzuuki
Image credits: akutagawazinho
Image credits: bebelaleao
Image credits: IzzieDash
Image credits: vct_fl
Image credits: bibi_pitica
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