“Miraculous Moment: Comatose Boyfriend Defies Odds by ‘Waking Up’ to Undo Girlfriend’s Bra – Shocking Hospital Incident Unveiled!”

"Miraculous Moment: Comatose Boyfriend Defies Odds by 'Waking Up' to Undo Girlfriend's Bra – Shocking Hospital Incident Unveiled!"

Image credits: kathhsmithh

“It’s not just like oh, he moved so therefore he’s awake. No.”

Kath’s boyfriend, Ben, had been in a comatose state for “about 10 days,” according to her. During that time, he wasn’t completely motionless but was able to move one side of his body.

“He didn’t just lay there. He was paralyzed on one side, but the other side, thrashed. We had to literally tie him down to the bed because he was trying to pull out his tubes and everything,” she explained.


“You would think, oh, he’s obviously awake. He’s been moving around. No, they’re [the doctors] like, that’s just reactive. I would hold his hand, he would squeeze my hand and they’d be like that’s just reactive.”

Image credits: kathhsmithh

Image credits: kathhsmithh

Instead of reactive responses, doctors told Kath that her boyfriend needed “intentional movement” to know he was emerging from his coma.

The intentional movement eventually came one day while she was lying down on him.

“He started rubbing my back and they’re like, ‘No, that’s still reactive.’ But then he put his hand up my shirt and then man, in his coma, undid my bra.

“I’m not even joking. I was just there, dumbfounded.”

Kath’s boyfriend, Ben, was in a coma for 10 days following a traumatic brain injury (TBI)

@kathhsmithh Replying to @Narra84 here’s an updated story time #storytime #ourstory #tbisurvivor #couple ♬ LOVE SONG FOR YOU – Dj Roys

Kath added: “The nurses were like don’t move, don’t move, don’t move. They brought the doctor in and the doctor was like, ‘I’ll claim that as intentional.’

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