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The teenager who is going through the pregnancy themselves is also experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. They might be worried about what other people think and how it makes them feel. They may be looking forward to becoming parents or be unsure at the prospect of it.
It’s important to help them process their feelings by listening without judgement. This allows them to figure out what they’ll do or need throughout the pregnancy. Having an honest and open conversation also fosters the relationship between a child and parent and can make a big difference in the teenager’s well-being.
29.8% of young expectant mothers feel abandoned by their loved ones
Sadly, not all pregnant adolescents have the privilege of being supported by their families. Around 29.8% of young expectant mothers feel abandoned by their loved ones. As a result, teens face many risks.
Without resources and the help of their family, adolescents may not be educating themselves enough about their situation or receiving medical care when necessary. Various risks, like preterm birth and low birth weight, are more common in expectant teens so it’s important that they eat enough healthy food and avoid any harmful substances. This may be harder to ensure without the presence of experienced adults.
During pregnancy, it’s also important to manage stress and anxiety, as these feelings can have an impact on the baby. However, the absence of loved ones can make it hard to deal with these challenges and increase the risk of depression.