“Mom’s Controversial Chore Rule for Sick Daughter Sparks Heated Debate Online—What’s Really at Stake?”

The mom missed a crucial opportunity to be there for her daughter
From the mom’s language, it does seem like she doesn’t quite grasp the stress her daughter is under and has not made adequate plans to help her ease into her new lifestyle. This is important, because it’s just not as simple as her taking some medication, she needs a lot of support early in the process. No health change of this magnitude is an easy adjustment.
This isn’t to say the mom doesn’t have a lot to do herself, with pets and other kids, but getting her oldest daughter back on her feet should have been the priority. Teens are quick to learn and are resilient, but they still need support, particularly with something as scary as a major medical diagnosis. This is a long term issue that needs to be managed and supported.
Instead, making threats and demands only aggravates her stress and makes her daughter feel like she doesn’t have a friend or ally at home at a time when she really needs it. This is perhaps why the commenters had very mixed feelings about this story, with the vast majority siding against the mom.
Many people thought the mom was too harsh
A few thought both of them needed to work it out
Some commenters saw the mom’s side of things
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