“Nation on High Alert as 30% of Border Patrol Cameras Go Dark: What Are They Hiding?”

"Nation on High Alert as 30% of Border Patrol Cameras Go Dark: What Are They Hiding?"

In a world where we expect our technology to catch every move we make, it’s a bit startling to learn that nearly one third of the cameras tasked with monitoring the U.S. southern border are on the fritz! An internal memo has pointed fingers at aged equipment and pesky repair woes as the culprits behind this surveillance breakdown. So, while the Border Patrol grapples with tech issues, one has to wonder — is this a case of Big Brother becoming a bit of a slacker? Or are we just witnessing a new wave of border humor where the surveillance is as reliable as dial-up internet? What’s your take on this curious conundrum? Curious minds want to know, so click here to LEARN MORE.

Nearly one third of the cameras in the Border Patrol’s primary surveillance system along the southern U.S. border are not working, with an internal memo blaming outdated equipment and repair issues. What do you think?

“Luckily God sees all.”

Raymond Beck, Yogurt Thickener

“Probably for the best. I always look terrible in border patrol pics.”

Olivia Rees, Belt Reinforcer

“Like they always say, Big Brother is watching about 70% of the time.”

Georgi Vosper, Alibi Organizer

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