“One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered”
Anyways one day while we were running our football cross country run on a long path that circled the school out to the wooded area, we ran by a couple girls from the track team sharing the path.
A different player dares the lineman to pants one of the girls. The moron does. He reacted so quickly I couldn’t even tell him not to. It was seconds. Well this girl was the daughter of a lawyer. As he ran away laughing she was screaming at the top of her lungs that she was touched. I remember the police showing up and handcuffing him and I thought to myself, wow why are the police here. It didn’t occur to me at that age what was happening at all I thought it was a prank that she just didn’t like. He was arrested for sexual assault, convicted, and spent the rest of his teenage years in juvy.
When I bumped into him at Wal Mart he was picking up shopping carts. I had forgot all about him and that whole situation. He started to tell me that after juvy he was marked for life, a registered sex offender, he couldn’t get into college, he couldn’t find work. He lived in public housing and Wal Mart was his first job but he had to lie on his application. He begged me not to mention his past to anyone there because he was about to commit suicide before he landed this job.
He said that every day he goes to sleep and remembers that prank and every night he considers putting a gun to his head for it. That shit hit me so deep. Thousands of pants were pulled down that school year and this dude picked the absolute worst person to target for a cheap laugh.