“One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered”

"One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered"

After he was arrested I remember all the pantsing stopped instantly. And the kids moved on to hitting people in the chest and yelling “open chest’.

[deleted] Report



Some teenagers got drunk and ran over a gas station employee when he tried to stop them from stealing gas. They dragged him a few km’s. The blood stained the roads for weeks. They were all tried as adults and got the maximum sentence of 25 years. I think they were charged for second degree homicide.

anon Report


Had a friend from high school who decided to “opt out” by jumping off the roof at his mom’s house.. he landed in such a way that he survived, but is now paralyzed from the chest down – as in: can’t even breathe for himself and fully reliant on home health aids and his mom, whom he despised and named as the reason he wanted out of life (it’s fair that she was a full blown heroine addict at this point and was a s**t show herself)..

EndlesslyUnfinished Report


See Also on Bored Panda


53 Gut-Wrenching Stories About People Ruining Their Lives Forever Because Of One Bad Decision Worked in Seattle Airport and a coworker decided to take his own life by stealing an airplane, fly it in loops around the Pacific northwest air space while being chased by the airforce untill finally going nose down…

—-xxxzzzzzzzzz , Daniel Eledut/unsplash Report


Really great friend in high school huffed glue in her bed room one night and died. It was really weird bc no one knew she was doing inhalants, and she didn’t fit the glue huffing stereotype: she was extremely social and well liked; extremely smart, athletic, she was the head chair in band in her section, and really into jazz band; but at night, she’d huff f*****g glue.

tmotytmoty Report


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