“One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered”
He had just turned 19. Summer after senior year. Dad owns a very lucrative lumber sales and construction company. He got a brand new truck for graduation, and was going to start his job after summer ended with his dad. Train to be a foreman, and basically be set for life on a path to retire extremely comfortably by the age of 55.
He decided to take a bunch of pills and ran a red light. T-boned a car killing the driver instantly and crippling the passenger for life. He got off with vehicular manslaughter because his dad forked out big money to get the charges lessened. He served 13 years and got out last year. He just walks around the town now because he can’t get work, own a license or vehicle.
Old friend of mine relapsed and ODed on fentanyl 3 days ago. Opioids have ruined my area. I’ve lost 4 or 5 out of 70 classmates I graduated with 10 years ago, all gone from over dosing.

Guy I knew, married and with two kids. He’d been adopted as a baby and reconnected with his bio family, including his 10yo sister who he was excited to get to know.
She came to visit him planning to spend a few weeks with his family. Her first day there, he tried to molest her. She got away from him, ran to the bathroom and called 911.
He lost his job, most of his friends, and (we thought at the time) his wife. She took him back when he got out of prison, though.
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