“One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered”

"One Moment, One Decision: Heartbreaking Tales of Lives Forever Altered"

thiscouldbemassive Report



“Jim”, a kid I went to high school with, gave a bunch of other kids a ride home in his pickup truck. The other kids rode in the bed as he drove each of them home.

You can already see where this is going, I think.

Anyway, Jim tried to make a light but he came up way short. Traffic on the opposite side already had a green light. Jim’s truck hit a car in the middle of the intersection sending the kids riding in the back flying through the air.

Two of the kids died from their injuries while one of the other ones got helicoptered to the ICU.

Making matters worse, the car he hit was driven by “Erin”, a girl we went to high school with. All she did was proceed through the intersection when the light turned green. Like, literally nobody blamed her at all. But she was only 16 and had just started driving. But she never signed up to be involved in a crash where people *f*****g died*. The incident sent her over the edge. She had a nervous breakdown and I never saw her again.

Life wasn’t easy for Jim after that. The other students in school were merciless to him. He obviously felt horrible about what happened. But self-flagellation was apparently not enough for the other students. Eventually, Jim had to leave the school because his safety was legit in danger.

Jim’s situation might’ve been exacerbated by some VERY forgiving parents [of the deceased teens]. One of them said words to the effect of “He’s already suffering and he’ll suffer even more in the future. I can’t bring myself to add to his pain.” I don’t think the other kids took kindly to the parents just letting it go. But I can’t prove that.

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