“Outrage Unleashed: Mom’s Shocking Gift to Daughter Ignites Heated Debate on Parenting Boundaries!”

"Outrage Unleashed: Mom's Shocking Gift to Daughter Ignites Heated Debate on Parenting Boundaries!"

“I gave her a v*brator and said: ‘Go investigate yourself, go find out what you like.’”

Brazilian star Claudia Raia sparked outrage after sharing that she gave an adult toy to her daughter when she turned 12

Image credits: choquei

“Today, v*brators are prescription toys,” the actress said, sharing that she owns 17 intimate toys that she uses “depending on [her] mood.”

While many praised Claudia’s approach as educational, most people found the gift highly inappropriate given her daughter’s age.

“She’s not even embarrassed to say such a thing,” one user wrote.

“Knowing that a father or mother would do this kind of thing, destroying their child’s innocence. A person like that must be sick,” another added.


Image credits: claudiaraia

“This woman is crazy! Clueless!” said a third, while a separate user labeled Claudia’s behavior as “concerning.”

Someone else commented: “It’s best to talk, explain, and guide girls. There’s no need to give them a v*brator.”

“I don’t think it’s wrong, but at this age, isn’t it too early to think about a v*brator?” asked another outraged user.

“She should be arrested,” another person simply said.

Claudia spoke about the importance of self-pleasure and shared that she owns 17 intimate toys

Image credits: claudiaraia

During the interview, Claudia also spoke about menopause, saying that it’s still a taboo subject and that many women lose the desire for intimacy at this stage of life.

“Vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse… There are many variants, many discomforts at the same time, and, with the lack of desire, why would you hurt yourself with something you don’t even feel like doing?” she said, as per Publico.

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