“Passenger’s Bold Outburst Over ‘Extremely Obese’ Seatmate Sparks Controversy and Gets Them Kicked Off Flight!”

"Passenger's Bold Outburst Over 'Extremely Obese' Seatmate Sparks Controversy and Gets Them Kicked Off Flight!"

Flight attendants are tasked with ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers on board a plane

Image credits: Ismail Mohamed – SoviLe/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

But when one traveler thought the cabin crew would assist them, the exact opposite happened…


Image credits: Scott Graham/Unsplash (not the actual photo)


Image credits: aathrowaway1624

American Airlines requires passengers to book two seats if they need extra space to “travel comfortably and safely”

American Airlines (AA) states on its website that the airline will “do [their] best to find the most comfortable and usable seats for your needs.” But passengers requiring “extra space” during travel need to inform the airline when booking their flight.

“If you need more than one seat to travel comfortably and safely, you must book an additional seat by calling Reservations,” reads the AA site. It further explains that the airline “will make sure you get 2 adjacent seats at the same fare” and adds that a passenger might be offered a seat in a higher class of service with more space. In that case, they’ll have to pay the difference in fare.


In the event a passenger didn’t book an extra seat in advance, AA advises that they ask an airport agent to check if 2 adjacent seats are available. “If we can’t accommodate your needs on your original flight, you can buy seats on a different flight at the same price as your original seats,” states the website.

AA is not the only airline with this policy. United Airlines (UA) gives a bit more detail on their site, stating that they “require that all passengers fit comfortably in their seat on the plane.” UA notes that passengers might have to make additional arrangements “if you can’t buckle your seatbelt, even when using a seatbelt extender, the seat armrests don’t stay down when you’re in your seat, [or] you’re in the space of the seat next to you when seated.”

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