“Prepare to Cringe: 50 Epic School Presentation Fails That Will Make You Rethink Classroom Chaos!”
In 4th year university we had a year-long seminar course of 15ish students. Our big end of year project was to give a 3 hour lecture on one of the historical figures we’d studied.
One guy got up there and was so nervous he blasted through his content in less than an hour, without hardly taking a breath. Nobody could understand him, the prof didn’t step in to tell him to slow down, and he was sweating so profusely his shirt was soaked through.
I felt really bad for him, but oh god.
EDIT: the class was taken several years ago, and had more like 8 or 9 students. The presentations still took the majority of the semester. Brutal.
Someone gave a speech about durian in a class once. She brought a small frozen sample that thawed as the class went on. The professor let students step out the room. Coincidentally, one of the culinary classes reported a gas leak and pulled the fire alarm.
Ooooo do I have a good one! When I was in school we were asked to create a project that would help solve some issues in our environment. Anyway, this one guy who is probably one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met (and I don’t say that lightly) suggested the idea of flying cars, and his reasoning for why it would help the environment was because “then we wouldn’t use so much gas, just like airplanes!” And I just sat there like what does he think airplanes run on? F*cking pixie dust?
It was a presentation that my art teacher made for the rules of the classroom and it was full of minion memes.
During our practice rounds for senior presentations, a girl got up with her PowerPoint that had paragraphs of text on each slide and then proceeded to read the paragraphs word for word from her notecards. The teacher stopped her and asked if this is how her whole presentation was and when she responded yes, the teacher stopped her and asked her to change her presentation. She wasn’t understanding what was wrong, so we kindly gave her some feedback. She redid the presentation a few days later but the original was ROUGH.
I had my college freshman English students present 10 minutes on their favorite hobbies, with PowerPoints and handouts.
This one stoner kid decided to do his on Magic: The Gathering, which I was pretty excited about, since I’m an avid player.