“Prepare to Cringe: 50 Epic School Presentation Fails That Will Make You Rethink Classroom Chaos!”
The look on my professors face screamed “Just shut up already!” everytime she talked.
This one happened a few months ago only actually :
We were in law and entrepreneurship class and we had to make a presentation about a made up company we would invent and the two class “clowns” made their presentation about a drink and their slogan was “If she’s drunk she can’t say no” and neither of them wanted to read it.
They just wanted to skip over it, but the teacher made them read it and asked them to go back to their places, i had never seen someone so calm and angry at the same time. When the class started hesitatingly clapping, the prof said “Stop, this isn’t worth clapping for”
The next week, the two of them went around all the classes during the morning reading time to present a video about consent
Edit : Sorry for my english, i meant teacher, not professor, we’re still in high school.
We were supposed to have Arnold Schwarzenegger come to our school sometime around 1999 or 2000, principal was hyping it up for weeks, then about 4 days before his arrival it was announced on Friday that he wasn’t coming. Fast forward to Monday during morning announcements it’s announced he’s changed his mind and is coming to our school tomorrow as planned.
Come Tuesday morning everyone is excited, were all amped to meet The Terminator, a handful of parents even came with VHS copies of his movies, posters, ect.
Were all going to our gym/auditorium, taking our seats.