“Prepare to Question Reality: Explore These Stunning Photos That Play Tricks on Your Mind!”

"Prepare to Question Reality: Explore These Stunning Photos That Play Tricks on Your Mind!"

The Atlantic Road




Located along the Norwegian Coastline, the Atlantic Road has a length of 5.1 miles and is considered to be one of the most scenic drives in Norway. It’s a popular attraction with eight bridges. Construction began in 1983 and it took six years to be completed. The way that the road curves, along with its many highs and lows make it a popular spot among road trippers and motorcyclists. It has been regarded as dangerous to drive on in the middle of a storm (which is often), yet on clear days you can even spot whales and seals.


I See You




While drinking a cup of coffee, a man accidentally dropped a pair of Hula Hoops, which are a type of potato chip snack into his drink. Little did he know that those two snacks would transform his drink entirely. With the chips, the cup of coffee transformed into what looked like an owl clear as day. Although it looks like it isn’t real, the only thing that would look more real is an actual owl. We’re glad they managed to take a picture before it disappeared. We’re going to start looking for animals in our cups of coffee from now on too.


Incredible Clouds




Clouds can certainly be amazing, can’t they? These ones are particularly incredible and give the appearance that the sky is made of cotton balls or bubble wrap. It’s hard to believe that this photo isn’t retouched but these clouds are 100% real. They’re called mammatus clouds, appropriately enough. The word stems from the Latin “mamma” which means “udder” or “breast” – an accurate description of their appearance. These clouds are formed when cold air sinks down and creates the pockets you see here. They’re closely associated with severe thunderstorms so if you ever see them, keep an eye on the weather!

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