“Rewriting Education: How Oklahoma Schools Are Blending Traditional Curriculum with Biblical Teachings”
In a jaw-dropping twist that could leave even the most seasoned sitcom writers scratching their heads, Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction, has thrown a theological challenge into the mix: he’s mandated that all schools integrate the Bible into lesson plans for grades five through twelve. Yep, you heard that right! It’s as if the school curriculum has hopped into a time machine and emerged in a Sunday school. This audacious move is raising eyebrows and possibly lowering the bar on the separation of church and state. What’s next—did someone say “Jesus-themed gym class”? In this hilariously unorthodox vision, let’s look at just how schools are getting a biblical makeover, complete with updates that might leave you both chuckling and scratching your head! If you’re wondering just how creative these new lesson plans are getting, join me as I explore this and plenty more in detail. <a href="https://theonion.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/OklahomaBibleINFO-G-PH.jpg”>LEARN MORE.

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction, has ordered schools to incorporate the Bible into lesson plans for students in grades five through 12, putting the separation of church and state to the test. The Onion shares some of the ways schools are changing their curriculum.
Updating the periodic table of chemical elements to include “Jesusonium.”
Banning murder and adultery in schools.
Requiring students to yell the “under God” part of the Pledge of Allegiance.