“Roommate’s Boyfriend Crosses the Line: The Shocking Ultimatum That Sparked a Laugh and a Stand-Off!”

"Roommate's Boyfriend Crosses the Line: The Shocking Ultimatum That Sparked a Laugh and a Stand-Off!"

Having guests over all the time can be another big problem for roommates. When you share a living space, you have to respect the other people who live there as well. It’s not appropriate to have your band or your boyfriend or your best friend around at all hours using resources, making noise and taking up space when your roommate never agreed to live with them.


Image credits: freepik (not the actual image)

It’s important to be able to spot the signs of controlling behavior

In this particular situation, however, simply being present in the home isn’t the only thing that this man did to upset his girlfriend’s roommate. Many commenters pointed out that the behavior he exhibited through his “test” was very concerning.

We have no way of knowing how he treats his girlfriend when they’re alone together, but according to VeryWell Health, there are some telltale signs of controlling behavior that it’s important to be aware of and look out for. First, it’s not a good sign if someone always wants their way or the highway. Making demands then being unable to compromise or hear another point of view is a red flag.

If someone always wants to be the center of attention, that might be a sign of controlling behavior as well. And if they start to criticize their partner or try to keep them away from friends and loved ones, that’s another huge red flag. 


They may also blame others for their actions, manipulate and gaslight others, refuse to respect boundaries, exhibit unpredictable behavior, claim that they were “just joking” after doing or saying something inappropriate, try to change their partner and use intimidation. It was definitely not a good sign that this man tried to control his girlfriend’s roommate’s behavior before he even moved in, and the woman was right to be concerned.

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