“Secrets of the Colosseum: Ancient Roman Gossip Book Reignites Scandal in the Modern Bestseller Charts!”
Did you ever think a book written nearly 2,000 years ago could become the toast of today’s bestseller lists? Well, hold onto your togas, because with Tom Holland’s new translation of Suetonius’ The Lives of the Caesars, that’s exactly what’s happening! This juicy compilation of gossip and scandal about Julius Caesar and his imperial successors is not only captivating readers in 2025 but also tantalizing the collective imagination—sounds like the kind of drama we can’t help but indulge in, right? I mean, who knew ancient Roman emperors could spill tea that rivals today’s most sensational headlines? It’s as if history itself decided to don a feather boa and strut onto the modern literary stage. Let’s dive into why this ancient text remains as relevant as ever, proving that some stories are just too outrageous to be forgotten. LEARN MORE
Roman historian Suetonius wrote The Lives of the Caesars in the second century C.E., and it’s full of gossip and scandalous rumors about Julius Caesar and the first 11 Roman emperors.

Penguin ClassicsThe cover of Tom Holland’s translation of Suetonius’ The Lives of the Caesars.
The Lives of the Caesars, a gossip-filled account of the lives of Roman emperors, has officially become a bestseller 2,000 years after it was originally written thanks to a new translation by Tom Holland, the co-host of the podcast The Rest Is History.
Originally penned by the scholar Suetonius, the book chronicles the drama-riddled lives of the first Roman emperors. There are 12 biographies in total, which cover the reigns of Julius Caesar and the 11 emperors who succeeded him. Holland describes the text as “ancient Rome’s Popbitch.”
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