“Secrets of the Deep: Ancient Vishnu Statue Surfaces on Indian Beach, Sparking Mystical Theories!”

"Secrets of the Deep: Ancient Vishnu Statue Surfaces on Indian Beach, Sparking Mystical Theories!"

The Granite Construction Of The Vishnu Statue Adds To Its Mystery

R. Phalguna Rao, the assistant director of the museum’s archaeology department, spoke to The Hindu about the discovery soon afterward, shedding more light on this fascinating mystery.

“Most sculptures from this region during that period were crafted from khondalite stones, whereas this idol is made of granite,” Rao told The Hindu.


Wikimedia CommonsKhondalite is a metamorphic rock found across India, from which many statues of Hindu deities have been carved.

He estimated that the sculpture was likely created around the 13th or 14th century, though given that it is made of granite, it likely did not originate from North Andhra Pradesh. The idol was also identified as depicting Vishnu in the Janardanaya avatar — one of his 24 divine forms.

It was missing one of its arms, one that would have likely been shown holding a shankha (conch).

Based on its age and condition, archaeologists suggested it may have once been part of a temple before being thrown into the Bay of Bengal — a common practice for damaged deity statues.

“The idol’s journey through time and tides is fascinating,” Rao added.

The Symbolic Value Of Vishnu Statues In Hinduism

Janardanaya is one of the many epithets of Vishnu in Hindu tradition, with the term “Janardana” effectively being broken down as: “Jana,” meaning people or beings, and “Ardana,” meaning one who removes suffering. This emphasizes Vishnu’s role as a protector who removes the troubles of his devotees and creates difficulties for those with evil intentions.

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