“Secrets of the Past: Leonardo da Vinci’s Long-Lost Tunnels Unearthed Beneath Enigmatic Italian Castle!”

"Secrets of the Past: Leonardo da Vinci's Long-Lost Tunnels Unearthed Beneath Enigmatic Italian Castle!"

Revealing The Hidden Underground Tunnels Described By Da Vinci

Radar Mapping At Sforza Castle

Politecnico di MilanoCars equipped with ground-penetrating radar map the underground tunnels at Sforza Castle.

The research team began their analysis by using ground-penetrating radar and laser scanners. After attaching ground-penetrating radar (which detects underground anomalies using electromagnetic waves) to cars, the team carefully drove across the castle’s grounds. The laser scanner then created 3D images of the findings.

Just a few feet underground, researchers discovered evidence of the long-rumored tunnels.

“The georadar has enriched the 3D model with data on known but inaccessible spaces, bringing to light unknown passages and ideas for further studies on secret passages,” Francesca Biolo, researcher in the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment at the Polytechnic University of Milan, stated in a press release from the university.

Ground Radar At Sforza Castle

Politecnico di MilanoA car uses radar to map the tunnels.

The team plans on further mapping the castle in their quest to create its “digital twin.” This will not only allow researchers to examine how the castle has changed over time, but also give tourists a more well-rounded experience when visiting.

“In addition to historical documentation, the data collected has also opened up new opportunities for the touristic enhancement of the Castle. The integration of augmented reality technologies and the creation of virtual paths would allow visitors to explore the underground environments and inaccessible historical places, offering an immersive experience that combines history and innovation.”

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