“Shadowy Forces Conspire: Inside the Shocking Second Assassination Attempt on Trump”

"Shadowy Forces Conspire: Inside the Shocking Second Assassination Attempt on Trump"

In a bizarre twist of fate, former President Donald Trump finds himself once again in the crosshairs of danger—this time while doing something many of us consider leisurely: playing golf! That’s right; just two months after dodging a bullet in Pennsylvania (literally and metaphorically), he faced what seems to be an attempted assassination on the fairway. Talk about a round of golf that could leave anyone more than par-fectly worried! As we navigate through this surreal saga, I can’t help but wonder—what could possibly be going through Trump’s mind during his tee time? Is his secret to remaining cool under pressure really just an effective golf swing, or is there something we’re missing here? Every angle of this story elicits so many questions and opinions, so I’m curious—what do you think? LEARN MORE

Former President Donald Trump is safe following what appears to be an attempted assassination while playing golf, occurring two months after another attempt on his life at a rally in Pennsylvania. What do you think?

“I didn’t realize it was such a challenging golf course.”

James Puello, Microphone Tester

“I don’t care what the excuse was. Either finish the hole or let me play through.”

Omar Ordaz, Clock Setter

“Someone needs to investigate how these gun-wielding lunatics keep getting into the United States.”

Alexis Nguyen, Cubist Landscaper

The post Trump Targeted In Second Assassination Attempt appeared first on The Onion.

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