“Shattered Dreams: A Father’s Heartbreaking Tribute After Losing His 13-Year-Old Son in a Devastating Accident”
Experts warned of the long-term psychological effects the traumatic incident may have on Maxim’s younger brother
Image credits: Island News / KITV
Given the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident, the likelihood of Maxim’s brother developing some form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is high.
According to research done by doctors Jessica Hamblen and Erin Barnett from the National Center for PTSD, the earlier a child involved in a traumatic incident is treated, the greater their chances of dealing with symptoms as an adult.
Image credits: Island News / KITV
“It’s important that the child directly discusses the traumatic event, coupled with anxiety management techniques and assertiveness training guided by a professional,” Hamblen wrote. “In this sense, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most effective approach for treating children.”
The PhD explained that despite some controversy regarding exposing children to events that scared them, she believed the process to be necessary but remarked that it had to be gradual.
“It’s important for them to learn to relax while recalling their experiences,” she explained. “Through this procedure, they learn they do not have to be afraid of their memories.”
While many netizens have offered their condolences to the grieving family, others condemned what they believe to be irresponsible behavior by the parents
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Image credits: Island News / KITV
“Nobody was watching the children. The father “thinks” the older brother wanted to teach the 8-year-old to drive,” one reader wrote. “The parents had no idea who was behind the wheel or who were passengers in the vehicle.”