“Shattered Gifts and Family Feuds: Is It Wrong to Withhold Payment After a MIL’s Mishap?”

"Shattered Gifts and Family Feuds: Is It Wrong to Withhold Payment After a MIL's Mishap?"

“And sometimes, a physical gift isn’t even necessary. A heartfelt handwritten card can be just as meaningful, or if the relationship doesn’t call for a gift, that’s okay too. But if you do give something, presentation matters. A beautifully wrapped gift can turn even the simplest present into something special,” Hartung said.

“Most in-laws do not expect a separate gift from their kid’s spouse,” additionally notes O’Brien. “So you can just choose a gift as a team and sign the card together—or even from the whole family if your in-laws are also grandparents.”


“If you know she doesn’t enjoy getting funny gifts, then stick to thoughtful ones instead”

It’s especially important to remember to reevaluate the relationship with the mother-in-law if the person is thinking about giving her a jokey present. “If she loves to have fun and joke around, then including a “gag gift” is ok. But you 100% need to give her something nice and non-joke-related in addition to the gag so she doesn’t feel like she’s being mocked or is unappreciated,” said O’Brien.

“If you know she doesn’t enjoy getting funny gifts, is easily upset or just doesn’t have a great relationship with you, then definitely steer clear of gag gifts and stick to thoughtful ones instead.”

“It depends on the relationship and her sense of humor. If she loves a good laugh and you know she’ll appreciate it, a playful gift can be great,” agreed Hartung. “But it should never be something that could be misinterpreted or feel like it’s at her expense. If there’s any doubt, it’s always better to go with something thoughtful.”

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