“Shocking Classroom Violence: Mother Speaks Out as Son Faces Charges for Teacher’s Severe Injury”

"Shocking Classroom Violence: Mother Speaks Out as Son Faces Charges for Teacher's Severe Injury"

The legislation also forbids educational establishments from “negating access” to said students due to their condition, as it constitutes grounds for arbitrary discrimination.

Image credits: liceo_trehuaco_oficial

“This is a historic case that is going to be talked about for a long time, as it deals with the concept of criminal liability,” Danyau added. “As a 14-year-old, the boy could be charged with a crime, but his condition means other entities, such as the school or the state itself, could be compromised as well.”

“Ultimately, the case revealed a ‘flaw’ in Chile’s educational and legal system.”

Iván Hinojosa, the husband of the assaulted teacher, broke his silence, expressing his profound grief and impotence after the brutal attack

Image credits: liceo_trehuaco_oficial


“He tried to take her life,” he said in an interview with a local outlet, describing the incident in detail.

“The boy approached her without prior notice and attacked her with a broomstick,” he said, revealing a chilling detail previously unknown. “He didn’t stop when the broomstick broke; instead, he tried to stab her in the stomach.”

According to the husband, the attack went beyond an intention to injure, describing it as an “attempted homicide.”

Image credits: Giulia Squillace / Unsplash

ADVERTISEMENTÑuble’s Regional Secretary (SEREMI), César Riquelme, confirmed that an investigation is taking place to determine the legal responsibility of the incident, explaining that it ultimately comes down to establishing whether the attack was the result of the 14-year-old’s condition or an unrelated aspect of his psyche.

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