“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”
When I was 30, I learned that I had been tying my shoelaces the wrong way my whole life. I thought that retying your laces a couple times a day was normal (it’s not like I was retying them 10 times a day).
Then I stumbled upon this website and realized I was tying my laces wrong. The author estimates half of people do as well, and are completely unaware.
Edit: After tying shoelaces the proper way, with laces that hold well, I can go weeks without retying them (I often tie them loose and slip my shoes on).
Edit: If the flowchart confuses you, here’s a simpler one:
1. Do your laces come undone at least once a day?
2. Does your knot look “ugly” with loops oriented vertically (up/down)?
If you answered Yes to either of them, you are probably tying the incorrect Granny Knot.
I had a friend who thought her Dyson vacuum was terrible cuz it kept cutting out. Told her to wash the filter… vacuum works like a charm now 😂.
One time when I lived in an apartment the dishwasher was ruined by the previous tenants so they eventually replaced it. The guy installed it, and I loaded it right away, but for some reason it wouldn’t start. It would turn on, but just wouldn’t start. It was a cheap place so an older, used model. It took them two weeks to come out, and the guy was only there for five minutes. He switched the bottom dish tray around in the machine so that the proper bit hit the door to tell the machine it was locked. That was it, the dish tray was just backwards.
The recent discovery of the citrus zesting tool has rocked my world. I’m nearly 60.
I lost reverse in my car for about six months because I forgot it was top left and thought it was broken.
I just found out yesterday I’ve spent the last 2 years dumping liquid fabric softener into the bleach compartment and not realizing it. There hasn’t been issues with the washer yet, but I never run the bleach cycle because we don’t bleach anything, so I wonder if there is 2 years worth of liquid softener just sitting in my washer somewhere.
Up until I was about 21 I always wondered how people used those small lighters so easily, I thought you had to just use the small bumpy part on the side until I watched someone do it up close and realized you can use that whole side. I quickly realized how easy they are to use and that you shouldn’t hurt your thumb or break your nail by using them.