“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”
Luckily, many complicated things in life—like appliances or gadgets—come with manuals or instructions to guide us. And if you’re still stumped, there’s almost always a video tutorial on YouTube to help. But when people skip the instructions entirely and decide to wing it, the results can range from mildly frustrating to downright hilarious.
I knew a girl that thought you got tan from the heat of the sun and not the suns rays. So one day during our cold winter I see her in a bikini by the fireplace. Tells me she’s trying to keep her tan up. You’re never as stupid as the next person.
I overheard a conversation at work, someone was talking about how their sister found a strange plastic thing inside their dishwasher and just threw it away. For years afterward she didn’t understand why her dishwasher was working so poorly. The thing she threw away was the spinny arm thing that sprays the water.
So remember: no matter how dumb you feel, there is always someone dumber.
Not me, but my brother once complained to me that all toasters are c**p because after a few months they always smell like burning toast even though the toast wasn’t burnt.
He looked at me with the blankest expression I’ve ever seen when asked how often he empties the crumb tray at the bottom.