“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”
“We try to make instructions as easy to follow as possible,” he explains. “It’s all about simplifying complex tasks for users.”
I had a cousin in her thirties who didn’t know how to boil eggs. She complained that no matter how long she boiled them (up to an hour), they never got “soft.” Turns out, she didn’t know you had to peel them after you boil them. She threw away two whole cartons of eggs because the shells weren’t boiling off of them.
It gets worse. When I was 22, I was sharing with a girl who used to do the smallest wash loads. We’re speaking 2 socks and a blouse kinda thing.
Where I live, you don’t pay for water (at least not directly). When I confronted her she claimed that it doesn’t matter cause Water is free. I said well okay, but no, but also what about the electricity?
With a serious expression she said: “electricity? Wtf are you talking about? Washing machines run on water.”
I moved out a few weeks after.
My lawnmower just died once and I couldn’t pull the cord out to start up the motor. It was jammed. I thought it was an oil or motor issue and I’d have to get a new one or a service.
I was talking to my friend and she casually mentioned that she swept hers down and cleaned the grass out every time it went back in the garage.
I got on my hands and knees and reached underneath to feel around the blades and there was thick layers of grass that were hardened like concrete caked around the blades.
I ripped them all off and lo and behold I could pull the cord out and the mower started again.
I was so happy.