“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”
Not my personal “living a lie” moment but, like others have shared here, that of an acquaintance which I got to witness…many years ago a coworker and I drove to an afternoon event about 90 minutes away. We met at her place, and she drove us down in her car–some kind of newer model Toyota or Nissan or something.
On the way back–in the evening–she asked me to drive us back because she was tired. About 20 minutes in, during a lull in conversation, I noticed the windshield had gotten pretty dirty so I used the wiper lever to spray down the windshield and wipe it clean.
It took several tries and, after she had watched it spray and wipe for a moment, my coworker screamed “WHAT’S THAT?!” in a very confused voice.
Me, confused: “What’s what?”
Coworker: “That water! Where’s it coming from?!”
Me: “You mean this?” [Pulls wiper lever again]
Me: “That’s…wiper fluid. You pull the lever here to clean the windshield”.
Coworker: “Oh my god! I had no idea!”
Me: “…”
I guess it’s conceivable that she had somehow never ever used her windshield wiper fluid before–let alone *refilled* it, because why would you think about refilling something that doesn’t exist in your reality?
But still…
I have a confession. I was at my sister’s house a while back and while we’re talking she’s getting ready to put some biscuits in the oven so she grabs a brand new box of aluminum foil out of the pantry and pushes her thumb into both sides of the aluminum foil box. I ask her why she poked holes in the box and she looks at me weird then tells me it’s so the aluminum roll stays in place when you’re grabbing a sheet. I have been fighting with my aluminum foil for all of my adult life and never knew that there were tabs on the side that you punch in to lock the roll in place.