“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”
In 2018 I bought a 2yo Mazda 6 with remote keyless entry. Before that, all of my cars had keyless entry but a keyhole to open the door manually from outside the car. The 6 had no keyholes in the door but a button on the outside of the handle. I had no idea that you could remote lock/unlock one/all door(s) with a push of the button on the handle. So I constantly used the remote. Worse, the 6 would lock all the doors the moment you shut one. So I was dating this woman at the time and I’d hold the door open for her, she’d get in, I’d shut the door and they would all lock. I’d go around to my (driver’s) door and fish out my keys, look for the unlock button and unlock my doors to get in. Every time. When I ended things after about 6 months, one of the last things she told me was something like, “By the way, there’s a button on your car door handle to unlock the doors.” She knew.
When I was a kid, I saw my mom pour some white powdery soap from a box into the dishwasher. It was in the mid-90s, soap pods weren’t a thing yet, so you had to fill the dishwasher compartment with some of that white stuff I didn’t know about. One day, I decided to help her by imitating her, grabbed a box that had some chunky white stuff in it that was stored in the pantry, and poured a good part of the box into the dishwasher. The thing is, the soap box wasn’t reachable by a kid, but the rice box was, and it was now pretty much all in the dishwasher. I then told my mom, proud of me helping out. When she found out it was rice, tho, she was pissed, but me being a little innocent 4 years old or something saved my a*s. My parents emptied it as much as they could, but they kept finding rice grain in the dishes for quite a while.
I just figured out you can keep your phone on silent mode and your alarm still works. This way every random notification from texts or otherwise won’t wake you up in the middle of the night.
For years I’d be sleeping and get a text or whatever and wake up for no urgent reason.