“Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You’re Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!”

"Shocking Confessions: 40 Everyday Items You're Using Completely Wrong—Prepare to Be Amazed!"

Opening_Dig_5307 , Hazel Nicholson/flickr Report

Hand placing dishwasher tablet improperly in machine, demonstrating using things wrong way. I used to work in a boarding school, one of the common rooms had a dishwasher that staff were allowed to run. Once I went to run it and found multiple tablets still in the silver wrapping at the bottom of the dishwasher.

ekita079 , Getty Images/unsplash Report

So, the next time you’re tempted to skip the manual, maybe think twice—or don’t, and give us all a laugh instead! Have you ever had a moment where ignoring the instructions led to a hilarious disaster? Let us know your stories!


Plastic cup collecting leaking water from washing machine, illustrating using things the wrong way. I lost a necklace that I absolutely loved.

Found it two years later in the washing machine water trap. I watched an insta reel on how often you’re supposed to open that thing and empty the debris. I was shook.

Life lesson learned.

PaleLake4279 , postaljives/reddit Report

Tongs holding fried spring roll, illustrating using things the wrong way. My best friend was complaining about how inconvenient it is to store tongs in the drawer. Until I showed her that you can pull the tab at the end and they stay closed. She is a very smart person, but this was just one of those things I guess nobody showed her because it’s assumed everyone knows 🤣 I blew her mind that day and she went to her husband saying “DID YOU KNOW…?!?” and he looked at her like she was nuts lol.

3896713 , Joshua Hoehne/unsplash Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Hey, I met a woman recently who thought double-tying one’s shoes to stop the laces from untying meant making 2 single-tie sets of bows. She’d tie the first time normally, then use the loose ends to do the same again. I showed her how to tie the first set of bows together for the second tie. She’s in her 60s and was stunned.

She’s not stupid (nor are you). Sometimes we just miss the common knowledge, for whatever reason, and we don’t even know we missed it.

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