“Shocking Confessions: 43 Gross Secrets That Will Make You Rethink Everyday Hygiene!”

"Shocking Confessions: 43 Gross Secrets That Will Make You Rethink Everyday Hygiene!"

Turns out, he murdered her and buried her in a shallow grave behind a manufacturing building. Really hit our town hard.

NoEvidence136 , Luca Bravo Report


"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out My family doctor between the ages of 15-23 was charged by several women for sexually assaulting them. He once did a physical for me and made me remove my entire shirt + bra with no gown. I thought it was normal at the time. He also always touched my tattoos and asked what they meant. Super creepy looking back on it.

MrsBellaNine , Photo Source: Kaboompics.com Report

"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out A man that used to regularly visit a gallery I worked in killed his wife and boiled her body parts. He’s in prison now. Bleh.

Rontunaruna , Eric Park Report

"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out GF (now wife) had a roommate in college that was dating an older guy. I went over and saw him, something was off. Did some research: he was her band director when she was in HS, was fired for having relations with a student, and was living just across the county line. Unbelievable ick.

Powerful-Drama556 , Katrina Berban Report


"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out My ex told me he hurt and blackmailed a lot of girls after we broke up and that it was my fault he did it. Also he lied about his father dying so he could “relate” to me when I lost my dad at a young age but his dad lived a block over from him.

Contaminated_Acid , Sora Shimazaki Report

"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out One of my cousins said he desired me sexually. He also has grey hair and I’m in my 30s. I was in my early 30s when he confessed it. The worst part is, I found out he did this to one another cousin, but he comes off as “safe” to others. Got scared to visit that side of the family for a while.

AmeliaRoseMarie , Anete Lusina Report

"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out After my husband died in 2020 I found out he had been having an affair with a 30 year old, (he was 55), she apparently aborted his baby, everything he told me about his prior life was a lie (second marriage for both of us) and he had been having sex with men since he was in his early 20s. To sum it up, I didn’t know this man at all. We had been together 10 years and married for 6.

Charming-1Sweetie , Pavel Danilyuk Report


"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out Not really a secret, but definitely a shocking discovery. There was a weird kid in my school that got expelled for touching himself in the library. He was always kind of odd, but he lived down the street and was always nice to me. I dated his sister briefly and would always say hi when I saw him because I honestly just kind of felt bad for him. Fast forward like ten years and me and my roommate were looking up people we went to school with on the docket finder as a joke. Remembered the weird kid and wouldn’t you know it… Locked up for violently assaulting children. It wasn’t funny after that point. Exited out and never spoke of it again.

thisisridiculousdude , Polina Zimmerman Report

"Microwaving Their Underwear": 43 Disgusting Secrets People Found Out I went to church for a long time and there was this guy who everyone loved. He was a kinda fat guy with silly humour but he seemed a little off because he had autism. One day I was on YouTube and a predator catching video popped up. He was in it and his shirt was about Jesus. I sent it to the pastor and he was removed from the church. Now I want to work in cybercrime to catch these people

Edit: this happened when I was 16 and he was always complementing me. Once asked if I was interested in modelling.

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