“Shocking Diagnosis Forces Wealthy Father of Three to Confront Hidden Family Secrets”
Then, already fearing the worst, he would need to submit a DNA test. He would also need to get DNA samples from his sons, to see if they matched up.
He’s Not The Father Of The Twins

His two youngest boys, 19-year-old twins Ed and Joel, agreed to take the DNA tests to see if Richard was their biological father. Once again confirming Richard’s suspicions, the boys’ DNA tests showed that Richard was not their father.
It was the ultimate proof that Kate had been carrying on a long affair during their marriage, and lied to Richard about the kids being his. Richard was devastated to learn that the twins weren’t his biological sons.
Will Refused To Take The Test

Will was the first of the three sons to learn that Richard might not be his biological father. The twins were the first to take the DNA test, and Will heard the results. But when Richard and the paternity fraud expert reached out to Will to take the DNA test, he refused.
Will said, “As far as I’m concerned, he’s my Dad and that’s that.” Clearly, Richard had a positive impact on Will’s life, and Will was proud to be able to call Richard his dad.
Will Told Richard Not To Sue Their Mom

Richard would have had a better case for taking legal action against Kate if he had Will’s DNA sample, but there was something else. Richard recalls his conversation with Will: “My eldest son told me, ‘Dad, if you sue Mum, I will never speak to you again.'”