“Shocking Diagnosis Forces Wealthy Father of Three to Confront Hidden Family Secrets”
Richard and his wife, Kate, met while they were both working at a bank. They fell in love, got married, and had three sons. Richard worked hard and lived a good life. He never could have expected everything to fall apart so quickly.
The Couple Divorced As The Kids Left The House

Richard and his wife Kate had three boys together: Will, and twins Ed and Joel. When Will was 23-years-old and the twins were 19, Richard and Kate made the tough decision to separate.
While their marriage was no longer serving them, they both remained close to their boys and knew that they were doing what’s best for the family. With all three of their sons over the age of 18, the couple officially divorced in early 2008.
Kate Pushed For More Money In The Divorce

While the couple mutually agreed to divorce, once the proceedings began, Kate kept pushing for Richard to pay more money. They had agreed in the financial settlement that Kate would receive a $5 million lump sum.
The $5 million Richard would be paying also included money for private school for all three of their sons. He didn’t understand why Kate wanted more money. He said that his ex-wife “hounded me for years… and tried to make me pay more.”
Eight Years Later, The Truth Is Revealed

Although the couple had been divorced since 2008, it wasn’t until 2016 that Richard learned that his ex-wife had been keeping a major secret from him for their entire marriage.