“Shocking Discovery: How a Betrayal on His Girlfriend’s Phone Ruined His Perfect Proposal”

"Shocking Discovery: How a Betrayal on His Girlfriend's Phone Ruined His Perfect Proposal"

But even if there’s nothing wrong, going through your partner’s phone can set the relationship back. It can invade your partner’s privacy, erode trust, and you might discover information you’re not supposed to have, even if it’s not necessarily harmful. 

For example, if you look through your boyfriend’s phone and find out he’s planning on proposing next month, you’ve ruined the whole surprise. And unless you’re an excellent actor, it’ll be difficult to pretend you didn’t see it coming. 

Instead of helping yourself to your partner’s phone, Thriving Center of Psych recommends asking them to share about who they’re communicating with every day. And it’s important that you’re open about who you’re keeping in touch with as well. Work together as a team to eliminate secrets in your relationship, and address your insecurities and fears openly as they arise.


Readers were sympathetic towards the man, and many assured him that he’s better off without his ex

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