“Shocking Discovery: ‘Vampire’ Woman Sealed Away with Sickle to Prevent Her From Rising Again!”

"Shocking Discovery: ‘Vampire’ Woman Sealed Away with Sickle to Prevent Her From Rising Again!"

People who died in “untimely ways” — such as suicide — were suspected of vampirism. As a result, their bodies were mutilated in order to prevent them from rising from the dead and terrorizing the village.


Image credits: Oscar Nilsson

ADVERTISEMENTBy the 17th century, these “unusual burial practices became common across Poland in response to a reported outbreak of vampires,” said Science Alert.

Legends of these creatures still prevail today, thanks to classics such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Poliński and Zagrodzka are planning on returning to Pień for more excavations, including one at night using fluorescent lighting that could uncover new bones.

All these recent findings about the “real-life vampire” Zoisa can be found in a new two-part documentary called Field of Vampires, which will air on Sky History on October 29 and November 5 at 9pm.

People on social media pointed out the absurdity of the situation

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