“Shocking Footage: Woman’s Unbelievable Encounter with a Live Tapeworm Leaves Viewers Speechless!”

"Shocking Footage: Woman's Unbelievable Encounter with a Live Tapeworm Leaves Viewers Speechless!"

“You are going to get weight loss nausea, vomiting, nutritional deficiencies, and the crazy part, people have actually intentionally eaten these eggs,” he said. “This is not something I would recommend at all.”

Horrifying video of a tapeworm being extracted from a woman’s mouth prompts experts to issue an “urgent warning”

Image credits: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Adobe Stock (Not the actual photo)

The disturbing video sees a sedated woman lying sideways on an operating table as surgeons carefully extract a long tapeworm from her stomach via her mouth. She appears to have undergone an endoscopy, as her mouth is being kept open by surgical tools.

Netizens were disturbed by each pull as the parasite’s astonishing length was revealed bit by bit and placed into a surgical dish.


“A tapeworm can grow up to 30 feet long and live for over 20 years,” the Doctor explained. “Usually, you get [tapeworms] from eating undercooked meat.”

Image credits: doctormyro

Despite Dr. Fugura listing several symptoms, such as nausea, malnutrition, dizziness, and vomiting, most tapeworm infections can last a long time without being treated due to the lack of noticeable symptoms in many cases, allowing the parasite to go undetected for extended periods.

Image credits: Mateusz Feliksik/Pexels (Not the actual photo)

Dr. Patricio Ros, an infectious diseases physician, explained to Bored Panda that humans get infected mainly by three types of tapeworm species, with two of them being harder to detect due to their length.

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