“Shocking Hospital Infiltration: Bullies Capture Disturbing Photos of Girl After Heartbreaking Suicide Attempt”

"Shocking Hospital Infiltration: Bullies Capture Disturbing Photos of Girl After Heartbreaking Suicide Attempt"

Upon emerging from her weeks-long coma, Turner suffered severe brain damage and was left with no control over her body, instead relying on a tracheostomy tube to breathe and a feeding tube, as per The Mail.


The parents’ federal lawsuit alleged that their daughter faced relentless bullying beginning in August 2021.

Image credits: reality_of_ty

The abuse allegedly included name-calling and harassment by both students and Turner’s teacher, Olivia Bennett, who reportedly participated in mocking her. 

Despite repeated complaints from Turner’s parents to school officials, including incidents like a student playing a racially offensive song and Turner’s clothes being trashed, the bullying continued with little action taken. 

The abuse escalated, leading to Turner’s attempted suicide on March 16, 2023, after she confided her distress to a friend. 

The abuse allegedly led to her attempted suicide last year, which left her severely disabled

Image credits: Ty Turner

Image credits: reality_of_ty

The lawsuit claimed the school failed to protect Kelaia, leaving her parents seeking justice for the trauma she endured.


The Turner family said nine individual teachers and faculty members failed in their duties to “provide a culture of safety and an environment free from assault,” according to The Mail.

The parents’ lawsuit reportedly cited violations of both the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and Title IX protections against gender discrimination.

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