“Shocking Makeover: Monica Bellucci’s Altered Photos Trigger Fierce Backlash—What Fans Are Saying!”

"Shocking Makeover: Monica Bellucci's Altered Photos Trigger Fierce Backlash—What Fans Are Saying!"

“I say thank heavens for retouching,” she toldAFP in a 2017 interview. “It’s airbrushing that saves us.”

Netizens erupted with outrage on a Reddit thread, which seemingly compared filtered images of the film star with her natural appearance.

“This is sick and disgusting,” one said.

Image credits: Rude_Lifeguard/popculturechat

“This gave me psychic damage,” one commenter said, while another wrote, “This is mental illness if I’ve ever seen it…”


“How dare she have human flaws,” one sarcastically wrote.

“This is why women have awful self esteem … it’s all fake,” another wrote.

Some felt the extreme edits made her look like she could be “Monica Kardashian,” hailing from the Kardashian family.

“My first thought was why did they turn her into a Kardashian?” one asked

Image credits: virgocrave/carràmba! che fortuna

“They don’t make her look better,” another agreed. “They entirely restructure her unique and natural appearance to turn her into a Kardashian. It’s weird. I don’t get it at all.”

“They are making her a different ethnicity,” one said.

The Italian actress previously said it doesn’t “bother” her to look like a “mature woman” on screen.

Image credits: Alamy


When she began noticing “lines” on her face and around her eyes, she said she looked at herself with “compassion.”

“I didn’t say to myself, ‘Oh my God, it’s monstrous!’ No, I think it is charming,” she said in her AFP interview.

The 60-year-old star said she looked at herself with “compassion” when she saw signs of aging

Image credits: monicabellucciofficiel

She also spoke in favor of plastic surgery, saying people should get it done if it “makes [them] happy.”

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