“Shocking Reasons Behind Mother’s Demand for DNA Test: Did She Doubt Her Baby’s Parentage?”

"Shocking Reasons Behind Mother's Demand for DNA Test: Did She Doubt Her Baby's Parentage?"

“I said, ‘he’s going to be pretty, at least he’s going to be white.’ My mom has green eyes, and my aunts too. I have cousins who are also white and have light eyes, so I had high expectations,” she said. 

Safe to say, those expectations were not met.

“When I saw that my child was born with tanned skin, a big nose, and was small and skinny, I didn’t say anything but inside I was sad and discouraged. 


“He doesn’t look like me,” she claimed.

Image credits: nebrazkhaa

Nebrazkha knew that the most important factor was her child’s health and that all children are beautiful in their own ways, but if she was being frank, she needed to accept the reality: “My son was really ugly.” 

Out of desperation, she turned to the possibility of DNA testing, believing her partner would agree with this decision. 

“Thank God he was born healthy, but the ugly can’t be taken away and at that moment, I didn’t understand,” she said. “I said that he wasn’t my son and that they had changed him. I saw his face and I was surprised.” 

Nebrazkha was “sad and discouraged” by her son’s appearance

Image credits: nebrazkha

A week after her son’s birth, she had a conversation with her partner about conducting a DNA test — but was met with denial. 


“Don’t worry, that’s how I was when I was a baby,” was reportedly his response.

Despite it all, Nebrazkha felt something “inside” that told her “he wasn’t my son and that I had no maternal attachment.” 

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