“Shocking Secrets Behind 15 Celebrity Assassinations That Shook Hollywood to Its Core”

"Shocking Secrets Behind 15 Celebrity Assassinations That Shook Hollywood to Its Core"

Bardo attempted many times to meet the actress at events, only to be turned down by security. Trying a different method, he hired a private investigator to obtain the address of her Los Angeles apartment. 

On July 18, 1989, Bardo rang the doorbell of Schaeffer’s apartment and shot her point-blank in the chest. He was arrested the next day and sentenced to life in prison. 

The incident was instrumental in the implementation of the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act in 1994, which restricts access to personal information from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which is what the PI used to get her address.

Gettyimages / CBS Photo Archive Report

Blonde woman in cheerleader outfit performing at an outdoor event, capturing Hollywood's vibrant spirit.

The 27-year-old model met her end at the hands of Charles Rathbun, a professional photographer who lured Rathbun in for a photo shoot, only to end up strangling and sexually abusing her.

The gruesome incident took place on November 16, 1995. Rathbun initially reported Sobek as missing, but later, as investigators put pressure on him, he led authorities to her body in a remote area of the Los Angeles National Forest.

Sobek’s body was found buried in a shallow grave, and an autopsy confirmed the cause of death as strangulation. Rathbun was convicted in 1996 of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Gettyimages / Gary Newkirk Report


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