“Shocking Truth Revealed: Do Women in Comas Still Experience Monthly Cycles?”

"Shocking Truth Revealed: Do Women in Comas Still Experience Monthly Cycles?"

  • The question went viral with more than 24 million views.
  • An expert confirmed that women in comas can still menstruate.
  • Dr. Zeon explained that certain bodily functions do not require consciousness.
  • An associated question also went viral, centering around men getting erections while under anesthesia.

“In most cases, menstruation stops during a coma due to changes in the body’s normal functions,” a user stated, only to be proven wrong when Otis Zeon, a Los Angeles physician hailing from South Africa, gave his expert opinion on the matter.

“Menstruation is not controlled by level of consciousness – so they will still get it,” he said. “Also, keep in mind that because the cycle is regular, they can still get pregnant.”

The question of whether women still get their periods while in a coma went viral on social media, with experts revealing what truly happens

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Zeon was caught off-guard by the question’s virality. “I didn’t see this going viral—mommy, I’m famous,” he joked. His initial response received more than 32,000 likes. 


“But on a serious note, it’s shocking to me to see how shocked people are,” the doctor said after confirming that yes, women will still menstruate. At the same time, even in a coma, their bodies, while unresponsive, continue many biological processes that don’t require conscious thought.

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Of course, social media, being social media, took this interesting piece of medical information and ran with it—straight into the land of sarcasm.

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