“Shocking Ultimatum Reveals the Dark Truth About His ‘Evil Stepmother’ Wife”

But it’s pretty clear the wife is just being sneaky
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Similarly, perhaps he thought that there needed to be an adjustment period as well, it can be hard to suddenly share the house with two new children who both now need your partner’s attention. So it seems more likely that the new wife just kept her feelings to herself for the most part and was just waiting for a moment to “strike.” Unfortunately, it is often the step-parent who is responsible for any issues kids might have.
All in all, he did make the right decision in the end. While it’s a difficult question, picking your kids over a grown person just makes more sense, particularly when they seem ready to lie and manipulate to get what they want. This is not the sort of person one wants to be married to and certainly not the sort of person to keep your kids around.
The fact that she is trying to use her own children and other family members is just as much of a red flag, which, hopefully many of the commenters could make him understand. It’s worth noting that even the YTA comments didn’t actually think he was wrong and were just criticizing his choice of partner in the first place.