“Sibling Rivalry Exposed: Why One Woman’s Financial Success Sparks Unfair Family Favoritism!”

"Sibling Rivalry Exposed: Why One Woman's Financial Success Sparks Unfair Family Favoritism!"

On the other hand, the simple fact is that no two kids are the same. Not even twins. Their core needs are going to be the same: food, shelter, love, support, education, attention, etc. But their other wants and needs can look entirely different.

If one of your munchkins is applying to college to get a science degree so they can work at NASA, you’ll have to support them differently from your other kids who may want to travel the world, save up for their first car, or are planning on getting married.

Your children may have different needs, so, as a parent, you need to be able to recognize that and support them accordingly

Sure, money definitely plays a role here. Let’s not be naive about that. But cold hard cash isn’t the solution to every situation. One of your kids may need more emotional support and parental wisdom to handle all the stress of starting a new stage in their life. Or they might feel more confident if you accompanied them while they toured their prospective college campus. Other kids may need you to teach them purely technical skills like how to drive better or how to get over their fear of public speaking so they can say their vows with confidence.


So, as a parent, you need to be able to recognize those different needs and adapt accordingly. To bring this back a bit closer to home, if one of your kids has married into wealth and lives in a fancy mansion, but the other doesn’t own any real estate yet, you’re probably going to financially support the second one. Why? Because the first kid doesn’t have the same money problems as the other.

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