“Sister Torn Between Loyalty and Burden: Why She Draws the Line at Helping Her Alcoholic Brother-in-Law Get Home”
It would have been kind, sure: it’s not the kids’ fault that their father behaves in such a way that he isn’t even allowed to board a plane. That being said, would the woman’s brother-in-law change his behavior after everybody stayed behind for him? Probably not. If alcohol is such a big problem at this point, you probably need the help of a good therapist specializing in addiction, as well as help from a doctor.
As harsh as it might sound, the healthiest thing for everyone may have probably been to get on the flight and go on the trip, leaving the alcoholic man behind. This sends a very strong message about boundaries, mutual respect, and—again—natural consequences. Once he’d sobered up, he could have joined the rest of the family on another flight, bus, or train. But of course, it’s always easier to give out advice than to face such a sensitive situation in person.
Alternatively, the man could use this entire situation as the wake-up call that he needs to overhaul his life. Not next week. Not tomorrow. Now. Not just for his own sake, but also for his spouse, children, and other family members.
What would you have done in this situation, dear readers? Do you think the woman was right to enforce her boundaries and get on the plane? Or should she have stayed behind for the sake of her sister and her kids? Have you ever had a family member who struggled with addiction? Have you ever had issues with excessive drinking? It’s a sensitive topic, but if you feel up for it, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.