“Teen Genius Turns Cardboard Into a £90m Dream Car—But Wait Until You See How Fast It Goes!”

"Teen Genius Turns Cardboard Into a £90m Dream Car—But Wait Until You See How Fast It Goes!"

Dreaming of that jaw-dropping, sleek supercar? I mean, who hasn’t imagined cruising down the highway in style, wind whipping through hair, while heads turn in envy? But let’s face it – for most of us, owning the likes of a Lamborghini Egoista, with its staggering £90 million price tag, is as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard. Yet, here comes 18-year-old Etsenumhe Ahmad from Nigeria, proving that with creativity and determination, you can turn cardboard into a cool ride! Yes, you heard that right. He spent two years crafting a cardboard replica of the Egoista, complete with a motorcycle engine. Talk about taking the term “budget car” to a whole new level! And let’s not ignore the irony of the original buyer acquiring a car whose name translates to “selfish.” Buckle up folks—this story is about resourcefulness, a passion for sustainability, and just maybe the best DIY adventure you’ll hear about today. LEARN MORE.

We’ve probably all dreamed of owning a cool car at some point in our lives, but for the vast majority of us, the sort of supercars we see on the internet are sadly out of reach.

However, for one lad from Nigeria, the idea of the limited edition Lamborghini Egoista which reportedly sold for £90,000,000 was too good to turn down, as he managed to create a comparable version made almost entirely out of cardboard.

The original buyer clearly missed the irony of buying such an expensive car which literally translates as selfish.

There’s no denying that the car looks really cool, but it’s not one you’d be able to share with the family, as it seats just one in true Star Wars fighter jet style.

The £90m price tag doesn’t quite see the Lamborghini become the most expensive car of all time, as the 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR sold for well over £100m back in 2022, which might just bruise the Lamborghini owner’s egoista a little more. What a shame.

The Lamborghini Egoista (Lamborghini)

The Lamborghini Egoista (Lamborghini)

However, 18-year-old Etsenumhe Ahmad, the owner of a popular TikTok account from Nigeria decided on a far cooler way of attaining the £90m car by building a replica over two years out of cardboard packaging and a small motorcycle engine.

He even drives it around, albeit with a top speed of just 24mph or 40km/h for you Americans.

Normally I’d make some joke about this being comparable to being told you have ice cream at home by your mum, but it’s far more impressive to spend two years building something than just splashing £90m on it.

I’m not sure how well it would do in the rain though.

Ahmad told Supercar Blondie: “I believe my ability to create replicas stems from a natural talent that I’ve always possessed, rather than something I specifically learned.

“I source the materials for my replicas by recycling waste materials. I believe in the power of sustainability and reusing what would otherwise be discarded, turning it into something valuable and functional.”

Ahmad has amassed over 400,000 followers on his TikTok account since first revealing the car, with his videos featuring the cardboard convertible earning millions of views.

Hopefully the money earned from those videos will be enough to cover the insurance of driving the car around Nigeria, as it can’t come cheaply.

Although to be fair, you’re far less likely to damage someone if you’re driving cardboard at 24mph.

Given the cost of living crisis in the UK right now, you might be better off building your next car, but be warned that it’s probably not the best idea to drive cardboard down the M62.

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