“These 79 Hilariously Awkward Moments Will Make You Understand Why They’re Still Single!”
She thinks tale is exaggerated and we agree to meet back the day after the date for brunch and gossip. Identical experience, including neighbor and same Scooby-Doo movie.
This man makes 90k and looks like Boglin.
This one is actually pretty funny.
Met this guy at a concert. Told him he was hot. Exchanged contact info. We went out to dinner and to the movies a few times. Hung out at events we were both at.
Mind you, he’s hot, funny, polite, really socially awkward but overall very nice.
Man was floored when I finally just asked him point blank if he wanted to have sex. He did not perceive my interest.
When I met him, I wondered hard why he was single. It’s a small town, ya know? Like… Good men are in short supply.
It’s cause he’s oblivious. Completely oblivious. Last time we went out, a really hot lady was trying to pick him up and I just sat back and watched her send signal after signal and drop hint after hint and it rolled off him like water off a duck.