“Timothée Chalamet’s Sister Sparks Controversy with Fiery Rant Aimed at Billionaire Girlfriend Kylie Jenner!”

"Timothée Chalamet's Sister Sparks Controversy with Fiery Rant Aimed at Billionaire Girlfriend Kylie Jenner!"

Pauline expanded on the message, writing, “Our system is so flawed that it allows billionaires to exist and accrue so much money and BARELY pay (and sometimes NOT PAY) ANY ANY ANY TAXES. 

“This should not be possible. Billionaires do not need to exist. Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg SITTING IN FRONT OF cabinet is NOT DEMOCRATIC. NOT. DEMOCRATIC.”

Pauline previously slammed CEOs who own private jets and criticized “the billionaire class”

Image credits: pauline.chalamet

The What Doesn’t Float actress has also slammed CEOs who use private jets and yachts by reposting a message by nonprofit organization Move On, originally tweeted by Democratic politician Melanie D’Arrigo.


The message read: “If your job requires a college degree, you should be able to write off your student loan payments as a business expense the way CEOs write off their private jets and yachts for their jobs, which require neither.”

It’s unknown whether Kylie “writes off” her private jet as a business expense, but the 27-year-old has faced criticism for the environmental damage caused by her frequent use of Kylie Air, her private jet, on which Timothée has also reportedly flown.

Image credits: kyliejenner

Despite rumors of a tense relationship between the two, Pauline and Kylie reportedly shared a hug at the Coperni afterparty in Paris in October 2024.

Timothée has also been pictured speaking in friendly terms with Kylie’s older sister, Kendall, at the Oscars afterparty and with Corey Gamble, the longtime partner of Kylie’s mom, Kris Jenner, at a basketball game.

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