“Twins Separated at Birth? DNA Tests Unveil a Shocking Twist That Changes Everything!”
He thought back to times that should have been a red flag. But Richard had pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, trusting that his wife was telling him the truth. How could she do this?
Had He Ignored The Red Flags?
Before his cystic fibrosis diagnosis, Richard had never considered that his ex-wife could have been having an affair during their marriage. Now, looking back on it, it was entirely possible that this was all going on under his nose.
Richard was a hard-working, successful businessman, often working late nights. So he didn’t think anything of it when Kate would occasionally have a work-related matter come up. Like that time Kate stayed in London for a night during a “work trip” after she said that her flight had been canceled.
People Didn’t Think The Twins Looked Like Him
Before that day at the doctor’s office, Richard had never considered that his boys wouldn’t be his own. Now that he was being told he was infertile, thoughts started raising through his head. He remembered people commenting on how much the twins looked like his ex-wife Kate when they were born, but not like Richard.
At the time, he brushed off the comments. But now, they seemed to be louder than ever.