“Unbelievable: 66 Outrageous Student Excuses That Sound Too Wild to Be True!”
My wife had a student that left her class about 15 minutes into class every day. After about a week of this she asked him what’s up. He looked her dead in the eye and said if he eats breakfast in the morning he will need to c**p at that time everyday. She asked the hall monitor to check up on him and sure enough, he went to the bathroom everyday like clockwork.
6th grade, I told a teacher my homework wasn’t done because my friend died. She flamed me in front of the class, and sent me to ISS. Word of the murder got around school, and the local news networks. She never said sorry, but it was excused off my grade.
They told me they couldn’t study for a test because some rapper had broken into their house the night before and robbed them and they were too traumatized to study. I did not believe them but then the rapper got arrested for burglary and the local newspaper ran a story on it and it was actually a true story.
I unfortunately cannot remember the name of the rapper he was not nationally famous but well known in our part of Baltimore.
The student for this one. We had an essay assigned on Wednesday, first draft due Monday. Planned to do it during the weekend. I caught the teacher walking into the classroom right before class Monday.
“I am really sorry, I know I shouldn’t have waited to do it last minute, but I planned to do it during this weekend. My mom and I went to visit a college on Saturday and I planned to do it when we got home. I know I shouldn’t have waited to do it so last minute and please do not take this as an excuse, I am not really telling any other teachers because I don’t want anyone to think I am just using this as an excuse, I am just trying to get through finals next week. I am so sorry but we got a call when we got home that my dad died on Saturday-“
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