“Unbelievable: 66 Outrageous Student Excuses That Sound Too Wild to Be True!”

"Unbelievable: 66 Outrageous Student Excuses That Sound Too Wild to Be True!"

“Wait what!”

I got an extension, but just handed it in by Wednesday.

TheApoptosis Report


66 Excuses From Students That Were So Crazy, They Couldn’t Have Made Them Up Not a teacher but I heard it from one. A student wasn’t in school for around two weeks. The reason for it was they fractured their skull because they were leaning too far back on a chair and slammed their head on a table behind.

anon , freepik Report

66 Excuses From Students That Were So Crazy, They Couldn’t Have Made Them Up Not a teacher, but a cousin of mine wasn’t the best student, and frequently didn’t have his homework done. One day the teacher demands to know why, and he tells her his mother had a heart attack the night before and was rushed to hospital. He gets chewed out for lying about such a terrible thing and got detention. Turns out my aunt really did have a heart attack…

ohnomyanus , kuprevich Report

We were visiting friends and put my young son down for his nap in the room of a teenager. My son woke up and had to go to the bathroom. There was no toilet paper on the roll so he used a detention note that the teenager had gotten and was supposed to get signed by his parents. The teenager had to go in the next day and explain what happened to his detention note.

Intagvalley Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I knew a kid once that had his whole (trailer) home get sucked into a sinkhole. All his school work (and everything he owned) was gone forever.
Edit: apologies I’m not a teacher. It was a coworker when I was young.

anon Report

I was the student. Crashed my car on the way to an exam; was able to take an identical exam with a different class at another time slot after filing the accident report.

Years later, I was able to get an extension on a project because I wound up in the emergency room over a kidney stone

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